Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Egypt's freedom is far from won WHO: Egypt WHEN:18 March 2011 WHAT:Ragy el-Kashef's torture lasted six hours. He was beaten, whipped and electrically stunned while lying face down on the pavement. That is very sad and disturbing HOW: they used a whip and they just left him there to die WHERE: Egypt WHY:But Ragy's torture was carried out after Mubarak's departure, a stone's throw from the square where Egyptians came together to re-imagine something different and dream up a new society. His torturers were the foot-soldiers of those tasked with overseeing the country's "transition" to democracy; they took the chants of the revolution and twisted them into words of abuse, leaving lattice-webs of bloody welts on Egyptian backsides before holding 10-minute kangaroo court hearings in secret to find their captives guilty. MANN I WOULD HATE TO BE HIM!!!!!!!!

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